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Codemaster's MMORPG Archlord -- no relation to Codemaster's soon-to-be-released action-RPG Overlord -- wasn't exactly a smash success. Some cliche gameplay and a hard-to-swallow core concept made the game fairly unpopular with our reviewer and gamers in general, leading to a quick drop to pre-$20 pricing and a move to free online play. These deterrents haven't stopped an indie film group in
According to the film's producer, Peter Bouckaert, BenX is a story "about young people living in a digital age." Supposedly based on true events (and buy archlord gold a book of the same title), the movie follows an autistic boy who struggles with social misunderstanding and, presumably, various beasties in the game. To quote the text from the movie's preview page:
"Ben is not your average boy. With everyday life an epic struggle to overcome ignorance and bullying, Ben spends most of his time residing in a virtual world, using archlord gold to escape from this harsh reality. There he meets Scarlite, a girl destined to help shape his future..."
The movie will feature "many scenes" that use in-game footage. Indie studio MMG Film Production plans to release BenX in October of this year. A brief teaser trailer and some screen captures can be found at the official preview page for the film on thearchlord gold website.
For the curious, a free trial ofarchlord gold is being offered to coincide with the news of this movie. Now if only some big-shot
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