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Gameplay: Okay, here I am, with a copy of archlord gold game on my hand, installed on my computer...
...To be honest, Codemasters started great with their new ideas for this MMO, especially the archlord gold bit, who can rule the world the way he wants. But it seems the more they revealed from the game, it got more disappointing.
1-PayPLUS system: This system is an insult to the MMO world. While most of us don't like grinding and playing a game all the time 24/7, this system basically gives you everything in exchange of real money. We all know that there are illegal goldsellers or item sellers in every MMO, but the gaming companies react to such things. However Codemaster comes and clearly says: We don't want goldsellers or item sellers sell these stuff to you in exchange of your real money, WE DO IT!
2-Yet another Korean MMO: That explains a lot. Grinding is of course an aspect every MMO has, from the best MMO's like WoW to the worst. But archlord gold has mastered the "grinding art" here. Some quests are interesting lorewise, but overall, they all end up with "kill x numbers of this monster" or "collect y items dropped from these monsters" This is not acceptable for an MMO that claims itself to be revolutionary.
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