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Hello! Welcome to our site! Here is from other site that something about YS Gold. We just give it a summary, hope it can drive your attention.
While North Americans keep themselves occupied with Atlus' recent re-release of Ys Books I & II on the Nintendo DS, over in Europe they're trying to figure out which race to be in YS Gold.
In order to help out, European game operator Key to Play has issued a set of cards featuring the male and female representatives of the three races in Ys Online(YS Gold): Call of Solum. Players will be able to choose from the intelligent Eresians; the powerful Afrocans; or the lithe kitty people of the Kimoan. It's funny how a high profile game like Resident Evil 5 gets called racist for depicting a white man shooting black zombies, while a relatively unknown online title from Europe gets away with featuring a race of dark-skinned Afrocans who are much stronger and YS Gold more tribal than their light-skinned, intellectual Eresian cousins.
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