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This is a Metin2 guide about money making.If you want to own much more money,I think the guide is useful for you.Please read it up.So let's start with the basics.
There are many ways of making metin2 yang.These are : Farming upgrading materials such as " Piece of Gem , Piece of broken Armour , Rusty Blades , etc " , Farming Horse Medals , Farming Metin Stones , Farming Full moon swords and Antler Bows and more , Merchanting is also a good way to make metin2 yang.
2.Farming Upgrading Materials
To farm upgrading materials you need a low level account lvl 21-30 any class.Go to Maadi/Corinth/Aswan and find Black Wind/Tornado Jak-To and kill them to drop " Piece of Gem ".There will be alot of groups so kill Black Wind Gu-Ryung and Black Wind To-Su to drop " Rusty Blade and Piece of Broken Armour ".While killing these monsters Weapons & Armours drops too and some of them with awsome stats.You Can sell Piece of gem for 300k each , Piece Of Broken Armour for 200k each and Rusty Blade goes 120k a pair.
3.Farming Horse Medals
Farming Horse Medals is a little more harder then farming upgrading materials.First of all you need to make a warrior lvl 21-25 preferably.The warrior should be a partisan with M1 Might or a Arahan with nice gears.After getting lvl 21 go to SuijinDen located in Maadi/Corinth/Aswan and start killing monkeys there.They can slow you and they can get into walls so be aware.The minimum gear needed is : Tradition helm +6 , Broad sword +6 , Tiger Plate +6 and Battle Shield +6.Better gears is ok too.Horse Medals should drop like 3-4 every 1 hour.
4.Farming Metin Stones
Farming Metin Stones requires alot more time.Make a warrior lvl 21-25 , you can use same one for everything .Now go to Maadi/Corinth/Aswan and start searching around for Metin Of Black ( Lvl 25 ) , Metin Of Darkness ( lvl 30 ) and Metin Of Jealousy ( Lvl 35 ).Kill these metins and they drop any spirit stone from +0-+4 metin2 yang, Skill books , Weapons & Armours and potions.This require alot of time to find Metins.
5.Farming Full Moon Swords And Antler Bows
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