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Metin2 Gold Guide to Metins expansion for Level


Location: Valkus, Demon belfry (floor 7, afterwards Metin of Deaths are destroyed)


Summons: Blaze ghost, Blaze Warrior, Flame, Blaze Tiger, blaze minion.


Drops: Medium-High akin weps (Max akin 60), Skill books, Spirit stone, gold, pots, body stone, ToF, Blood Pill.


Maximum akin for drop: 80.


Best akin to farm: 70-75 (depending on Buy Metin2 Yang how able-bodied you can catchbasin these mobs)


Approx HP: 300000Hp.


Level 75 metin- Donblow

[Source:Mmobread] [Author:Mmobread] [Date:10-07-05] [Hot:]
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