Lineage 2 News & Events & Guides
In Lineage 2 game, Lineage 2 Adena is important for everyone to buy items, training and whatever other purposes they may have. It is not easy to farm Adena, in particular if you need lots of them. If you want to know more about Lineage 2 and how you can get your Lineage 2 accounts more level and more adena. There are even some really good guides posted as stickies in the forum that make it easy for some new to Lineage 2 botting to get started get level for their Lineage 2 Adena characters and making more adena than they could before. It is risky, but there are even a few people who discuss strategies for botting all day and all night for maximum level and adena gains.
Almost you do requires Lineage 2 Adena. Here are some simple guides that will add some Adenas for you.
As usual I would go sole when you're out hunting mobs. If you're decently geared and are able to kill stuff then I would stay soloing. Having an ally in group can slow things down when they afk, die or whatever the possiblities may be. You should target green or blue con mobs. Nothing is too difficult because it may cause you a lot of downtime. If you're a caster, preserve as much power as possible and if you're a tank preferve your health. Areas with less players and more mobs are ideal spots. Do not use any soulshots, can cost a lot of money and it'll add up. However, I would suggest keeping a few around in case of danger.
There are many mobs that drops good items and valuables. Some mobs have good drop rates versus others. Always try to farming the ones with good loot and adena over another that doesn't drop anything. Killing better mobs can help add to your L2 Adena fund.
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