Kal Online News & Events & Guides
KAL Online is a 3D MMORPG with an oriental fantasy theme. The game's setting is a war between the king known as Ha-Nin and the demonic army of Ban-Go. Although the story itself is unique, the oriental fantasy genre is becoming fairly crowded with games such as Conquer Online, Martial Heroes, and Hero Online. While those games heavily feature martial arts, Kal Online Geons focuses on another aspect of oriental myth with ancient animals. One of the most interesting aspects of Kal Online Geons is that players can raise and transform into ancient animals like tigers, panthers, and birds. So instead of just fighting like a tiger, you can fight as one. This definitely a fun twist that helps the game stand out in an Kal Online Geons increasingly crowded genre.
Key Features
Uses the Lineage 2 game engine.
The level cap is 90.
Korean game that has been made free-to-play.
Players can raise ancient animals from oriental myths.
Players can also transform into Kal Geons ancient animals such as a tiger or panther.
PvP via duels.
3 classes/jobs including knights, archers and magicians.
A knight is the only class/job for males but there are Kal Geons different types of knights to play.
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