Jade Dynasty News & Events & Guides
Jade Dynasty had become a force that was taking down Derakor the Vindicator. Jade Dynasty made an attempt merge and absorb the War Council of Dune during a Halloween Party in the old Plane of Hate but it resulted in conflict and they ended up leaving.
Along the way, guild leadership was transferred from Duggun to Anng. European members struggled with the timezone difference and many moved to Chaos Justice. After many requests, a mixed-race Ranger named Lemidin gave in and took over leadership of the guild when Anng had real life commitments. Many members of Hyperion (the unsuccessful merger of Titans and Veeshan's Talons) joined Jade Dynasty.
Jade Dynasty grew and progressed through Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power raiding content as it cycled through waves of losses from deguilds and new members with application drives. Around December 2003, Lemidin stepped down as guild leader when he moved to the UK and a Human Paladin named Benedril stepped up to lead. Jade Dynasty Gold continued to progress through raiding content with Benedril's goals of taking down Emperor Ssraeshza and entering Vex Thal which was achieved.
Around April 2004, some Jade Dynasty guild members starting choosing different paths. Some left to join Elemental Planes raiding guilds, some left to join family guilds and others retired from EverQuest altogether. Jade Dynasty was struggling due to its loss in raid force so it was voted to merge and absorb Elite Steel Alliance. Unfortunately, the merger was not enough to halt the collapse. A domino effect of deguilds and loss of force had started and could not be stopped. Now only a few remain that still proudly carry the Jade Dynasty tag.
Thanks to those that took the time and effort to make Jade Dynasty a legendary guild.
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