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Here is a guide will teach you how to get from level 1 to level 30 in Jade Dynasty very quickly , if you are a new player to this game , please have a look at this guide and hope it does some help !
1. Things you need to get :
Knowledge of using Esper
Knowledge of your build
Where to go for mobs
Clan that will add you at Lv20.
And alos 1 JD gold ; Money will be used to buy a lot of pots and gear (Refined gear is not necessary)
2. Considering that you have gold, you will either quest, meditate, or grind. The fastest way is to have pots and leave your esper botting on mobs but you will have to move spot to spot each level. You will also have to do the quest that gives you the Esper at the beginning if you do decide to JD gold grind on these mobs. Do not use God's Blessing. Do not refine your gear.
3. Before level 30 , Heavy Blow is your friend . USE IT, it's used to get to level 30 fast.
4. Pick your Faction at level 15 , do the quest, and get your tiers and JD gold gear before you do the following below. Refined gear is not necessary . Make sure you have setup your ESPER . Make sure you have at least 300 HP pots and 600MP pots.
5. Get god's blessing, use the two crystals, teleport to Jadeon, go to these locations depending on level until level 23.
6. At level 20, find a clan to join or get a friend to join you to theirs. The clan buffs will help you. Add those three skills into your esper. Make sure you level 24 before going to Skysong. Use your speed buff to get there faster if you're still under your 2 hour Double XP.
7. You will hunt at Runious Bruins and Breakbeak Pikeman from 24 to 30. Anything near Skysong Temple are good locations because you can go buy pots quick and go back. Around Lv25 you will loose your double XP buff but you will still have 6 hours of crystals. Leave your character esper botting until Lv30. It will take at least 6 hours. So read a book, do something else, but make sure you check on your character once and a while.
Thanks for reading and welcome to Goldceo next time !
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