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Please note that I am writing this as an early review. I have spent about seven hours with this newly released MMO. Opinions may change as I dive deeper into the game but for the moment, these are my thoughts.
I have been playing MMO's for a while (about 12 years). I have played many PTP and FTP games, taking the good with the bad, most of which was bad. The majority of FTP MMO's out there stink, let's be honest. The controls are wanky, or there is terrible graphics, or they passivly 'force' you to pay real money for items that pretty much make gameplay a huge nuisance without (I'm talking to you Atlantica!). But so far, Gates of Andaron Gold has fulfilled all of these categories without disappointment. In addition to Runes of Magic, this is one of the best free to play MMO's I've encountered so far, and I would be lying if I said I've tried less than 30+ of them. The real money online store offers a few nifty things like +exp potions, or special mounts, but nothing that you 'need' to play or enjoy the game.
Moving right along,
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