Florensia News & Events & Guides
Burda:ic today announced the addition of Private and Account Banks to free-to-play fantasy MMORPG Florensia. The focus of today’s update, access to the Private Bank is free for everyone and available in the center of every city within Florensia Gold.
With 28 slots of storage space that can be expanded by purchasing additional slots from the Item Shop, players will never have to worry about running out of inventory space again!
The Account Bank also provides 28 slots of item storage, but may be accessed by every character a player has on a server. Does your Explorer have a powerful item he or she can’t use? Just drop it in the Account Bank and give it to your lower-level Saint! Access to the Account Bank can be purchased from the Item Shop in 7, 15, and 30-day increments, and just might change the way you play Florensia Gold.
Also included in today’s update is a bevy of new monster skills, a number of small tweaks to the recently-added Free Battle Zones, and a major Item Shop update that kicks off Easter festivities in Florensia Gold. These springtime outfits include everything from Bunny costumes with matching ears to colorful top hats, and are sure to get players in the mood for Easter egg hunting!
Burda:ic announced that free-to-play MMORPG Florensia has netted over a million potential players since launching late last year and continues to experience strong double-digit monthly growth. Fortunately, another significant increase in server capacity worldwide means that there’s plenty of room for any and all adventurers who want to seek fun and fortune on the high seas and within the deep dungeons of Florensia!
"Free-to-play games are often viewed as being fundamentally different from subscription MMO’s, but the growth we are seeing in Florensia Gold is a sign that those misconceptions are changing," said Achim Kaspers, managing director of Burda:ic. "With all the events and updates we have planned for the coming months, including harbor-based guild warfare, we’re confident that the only difference betweenFlorensia Gold and a subscription MMO is the lack of a monthly fee.
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