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The Holy Battlefield is another popular PK system in Angels Online. All participating players will be divided into two armies at random and the army with the most crystals at the end will be the winner. All participating players will obtain considerable exp corresponding to their points obtained during battle angels online gold.
1. Capture a crystal: Capturing crystals is the most important part of battle on the Holy Battlefield because only the army with the most crystals can win the battle. If players would like to capture a crystal from the opponent’s army, they have to destroy the enemies’ City Gates, which possess a lot of HP, first. Pay attention! It is very dangerous and difficult for players to attack the nearest City Gate 10 because it has the most HP and it is the enemies’ front line. Players can send a group of forces to attract the enemies’ attention and then attack City Gate 6 and City Gate 7. After they destroy the City Gate, players who carry a crystal should put on their armor to increase their defensive abilities. Other players should protect the crystal carrier angels gold.
2. Obtain a point: Players will obtain certain points by destroying a City Gate, then destroying an Angel Statue, killing an enemy and successfully carrying a crystal. However, it is difficult for them to destroy a City Gate or an Angel Statue because their HP is high. It is recommended that players focus on PKing enemies and carrying more crystals angels online gold.