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12sky gold. is very important, everyone plays it needs it. Next I told you some experience to you. You can reference it.
Play the game, you must have twelve sky gold, it is too important. If you not have, you will not play it easier. When I play it, I have about a million of twelve sky gold. I like play the game, because it is very interesting.
At the first, you only bust monsters, because you not have abilities to do other things. But you will find the speed is very slowly. So you must busy a good shoes to play. You will have some 12sky gold. at beginning, they are game company give you. When you get a good shoes, you can run fast. So you can play the game easier.
The screen of the game is very good. When I watch the beautiful screen, I want to play it at once. I like play games. And the game is interesting.
When you defeated the monsters, you can pick the 12sky gold. on the earth. The more monsters you beat the more gold you will get. So you must beat more and more monsters.
According this way, you can get high rank, now, you do not beat the monsters no longer. You need do other thing. You will to do the task.
In the game, there are many tasks. You must receive them one by twelve sky gold. Then you finish them. Some of the tasks are very easy, but some is vey hard. But you do not afraid them, you can finish the easy at first, when you get higher rank, you finish the hard again.
If you do at this 12sky gold.way, you will get the game better. Please come to play it with me. Then we will told our experience to others. Then there will more and more players to play the game. the game also become more and more interesting.
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