Sword2 News & Events & Guides
Nar is an Erracan Warrior who has dedicated his life to the Goddess of the skies Cha'ac and protecting El Dorado. His past is a mystery but after the great explosion he came to El Dorado seeking refuge.
Selva, or Lady Katovic as she has become known, is calculated, Sword of the New World Vis menacing and brutal. Players have followed her story from the first day they enter Auch.
"We are thrilled with the Echoes of an Empire expansion and we hope our players will be just as excited to see the new additions and how they enhance an already fantastic game" says Myra Widodo, Associate Producer for Sword of the New World, GamersFirst.
Sword of the New World is an action-packed tactical fantasy MMORPG set in a world of colonial exploration inspired by Europe's exploration of America(Sword of the New World Vis). Delve into a visually stunning world, join or create a clan and claim colonies, and choose a side in a political struggle. Players can even have the ability to become the representative of one of the political parties that are constantly vying for power. Sword of the New World offers exploration and discovery in a world of political conflict and danger.
About K2 Network and GamersFirst
K2 Network / GamersFirst is the leading Free2Play MMO game publisher in the Western hemisphere. Serving over 28 million players, GamersFirst.com is where gamers gather to decide the price of the games they love to play–even when that price is "free." Powered by GamersFirst CONNECT; the end-to-end game publishing, game operations, rapid game deployment and game community platform made available to all of GamersFirst's Development Partners, GamersFirst.com features the hit MMO RPG and MMO FPS games War Rock, Knight Online, Sword of the New World and the future hits Parabellum, Victory, GoGoRacer and Taikodom(snw vis).
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