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Personally if you want Loong Online to be a very powerful fighter it is best to Master all sword stances and skills. Meaning you should try and get cheing 5 on all cloud sword stances and then switch to the highest Wind Stance which is "Double Shape Sword" from there take you pick of sword stances I like to go with this build of attacks on my hot-bar.
These attacks slowly you down hit you with a powerful critical, or reduce attack rating which believe it or not in pvp makes the decision between the victor and the loser, and a personal favorite Bleeding.
I recommend focusing on any attack with high damage or the ability to reduce stats or add hp reduces like bleeding. With a build as I recommended and a attack rating decrease debuff attack you’re looking at winning duels very easily with Loong Gold even just that. Anyways I hope that is of some use to you Blue Dragon Fans.
--Cloud-- Asura
Prophyyt Nirvana
Cloud Persistent Worlds
Prophyyt Persistatant Worlds
So just keep your buffs maxed and by late RC your heal should sustain you until your VE runs out, again don't waste unnecessary points in this as there are other ways of boosting up con.
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