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Scra-Chi Quest in Last Chaos

About Scra-Chi Quest, your Last Chaos players should return them to the book:
Find the NPC Magician in Randol and talk to him about the gem to receive a quest(Last Chaos Gold) to acquire 14 Dark Orbs, 17 Mist Eyes and bring them to the Broken Moonstone Golem, another NPC in Caron, Merac. Finding the orbs and mist eyes is not so hard, it just needs a lot of patience; the dark orbs can be found in monster drops left by all varieties of Orcs in the Prokion Temple and by Dark Goddesses. Mist eyes are dropped by Poison Mysts.

The Golem you just dealt with should now issue you a quest to get him 3 Perfect Moonstones. Perfect Moonstones are pretty rare in the game, therefore the easiest way to get one is to connect some lower level(Last Chaos powerleveling) ones, but that's not always a certain a success. You can buy moonstone combination boxes for the general stall vendor, and remember the higher the grade of the box the higher your chances of success. Once you've done everything the Golem wants you need to search the Great Magician Minearm, also in Merac, for a new quest. The Magician will tell you to collect 77 Black Diamonds to offer to another NPC; Spirit Magician Heras in Eghea, Aaron. You can gain Black Diamonds through processing Quality Stones. Be warned; it costs 6 Quality Stones per Black Diamond and it's expensive(last chaos gold)!

The next quest also requires you to talk to Magician Heras, who will ask you to bring him 1 Horse Skin and 1 Horse Main. These are either going to take you a really long time to get or a disgraceful amount of gold to buy. You can sacrifice a horse to receive a body part once it reaches lvl 20, which needs a lot of time, which also makes them very expensive to buy lastchaos gold. Once again you must return to Heras for a quest, this time he asks you to bring him 10 Coin of Masters. The coins are difficult to get if you are not a high level. You are awarded coins for completing certain levels of the Monster Combo Challenge. When you return with the coins you the final Dark gem Stone of Resurrection, and can return to the book of life to receive your pet and various items for it's upkeep.You can buy last chaos gold.



[Source:Mmobread] [Author:Mmobread] [Date:11-06-27] [Hot:428]
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