Last Chaos News & Events & Guides
Next we will provide you some Knight level guides and you can enjoy your cheap Last Chaos Money:
Question1: What is that huge pet? How do you get one?
That huge pet is called a mount. Only horses and drakes may be mounted and only when it's level(last chaos gold) 31or higher. After you mount your drake or horse, it gets new skills. Learn about mounting your horse or dragon and learn what the different mount skills are!
Question2: How do you teach your pet skills in Last Chaos?
There is an Animal Trainer NPC in both Juno and Dratan, if you talk to him you will find many options, one of them is to teach your pet skills. To teach your Scra-chi or Ichi, you will need to bring a Battle Skill Book as well, which may be gotten from the Moon statue.You can buy last chaos gold.
Question3: Will your pet grow? How long will it take?
Only horses and drakes grow in size. Your horse or drake will grow in size at level 16 and again when you mount lastchaos gold. Horses and drakes level about 4x faster than you. At lower levels, your horse or drake levels quickly but it takes much longer later on. You could find out how much pet XP is required for each pet level. That is the content, thanks for your reading and have a good time.
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