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But there is the person says that when he is selling the shuttle, he thinks: "hold on, this item is worth more than this", and then he can create a sell order for say 17k isk. Now the buyer has a decision to make, does he fulfill the new sell order for 17k and get his new shuttle instantly or does he create a buy order and get the shuttle for cheaper, but having to wait for the order to be filled.
As such these tactics can be used to make the real money with trading for the most part. Unlike the majority of skills within Eve Online Isk, trading has numerous skills that can be learnt to help, and they have Charisma as the main attribute, which means that for a person whose skills usually revolve around combat, it will take them quite a while to learn the trading skills.
For your information, there are quite a few different types of trading such as station trading, region trading and so on.
When it comes to station trading, it means that you never leave the station, you use both buy and sell orders to make a profit. Not to mention region trading, it means that you can buy an item in one region and Eve Online Isk move it to another one to sell.
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