War of Angels News & Events & Guides
So apparently this new MMORPG from Neowiz just launched called War of Angels. The game entered into open beta, which in today’s MMO world basically means full release, in late November.
I forgot exactly when, but I wanted to give the game a try so I first downloaded the Gamigo version, but realized it was EU only. The Neowiz version is the global one. Unfortunately after downloading War of Angels Gold and patching it, the game just wouldn’t launch. I tried like seven times and it still wouldn’t work.
I read the game’s official forums and other Windows 7 users are having the same issue. I think it has to do with the fact that I’m using Windows 7 64 bit, but I’m not entirely sure right now. I decided not to play War of Angels because if the game’s developers were too lazy to make sure their game actually worked before releasing it, it probably isn’t worth War of Angels Gold playing.
MMO Publishers like Neowiz, Aeria Games, OGPlanet and Ntreev should complain to the developers if their game doesn’t work properly on some platforms. The stupid thing War of Angels is that the Gamigo version actually launched perfectly fine for me, so the problem is clearly with this new Neowiz version. Neowiz is a big Korean company who apparently developed S4 League, which Alaplaya publishes.
They themselves publish Alliance of Valiant Arms and various other games in South Korea. This War of Angelsgame is the first game they’re publishing in North America though. It might be their first English game too, not sure though.
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