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With a pledge to bring a whole new dimension to the GE gaming experience, IMC Games, HanbitSoft, and local operator IAHGames will introduce a stash of new premium items which will feature exquisitely designed costumes to compliment the tropical beach scenes in the new expansion.
The expansion will feature new maps such as Bahia Island and Tierra De Los Muertos (Land of the Dead).
The move to F2P, in alignment with other global GE partners, is essential to bring gamers in the region in tandem with gamers worldwide.Sword of the New World Vis Games assures that the move to F2P will bring about a new influx of GE gamers, aid the longstanding development and bring added excitement to the game.
Said Hakkyu Kim, creator of GE and CEO of IMC Games, “We believe that with this new model, many new gamers would then be able to share the rich content of the game while adding new colors to the vibrant GE community.”
To commemorate the move to F2P, IAHGames will be giving away ‘Loyalty Reward Packages’ to qualifying gamers as a gesture to thank them for their loyal support over the past months(snw vis)
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