Sword2 News & Events & Guides
K2 Network has released a new client of Sword of the New World: Granado Espada, an action-packed tactical fantasy MMORPG set in a world of colonial exploration inspired by Europe's exploration of America. Players can delve into a visually stunning world, join or create a clan, claim colonies and choose a side in a political struggle. Players even have the ability to become the representative of one of the political parties that are constantly vying for power. Sword of the New World offers exploration and discovery in a world of political conflict and danger. You can control up to three characters at once, each with their own statistics, skills, and levels. You can fight alongside your clan mates for control of the many colonies that lay unclaimed in the New World. The more colonies your clan controls, the more power you wield.
Quarters: At the top left of your screen you will see your family name and current family level. Your family level grants an inherent "buff" to all of your characters. Every character over level 10 contributes family points, which advances your family's level. In this area you will also find your Quarters selection. Click on the button labeled Quarters 1Sword of the New World Vis, Quarters 2, etc. to see the characters you have in those Quarters. If a section of your Quarters is currently empty, its button will be grayed out. "
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