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Perpetuum feels like a controversial game, it is the first time since the stone age that I don't see a group of developers cloning WoW or making more fantasy theme games, this time the guys behind Perpetuum (Avatar Creations) decided get away from the standard WoWish or standard mmo ruleset and decided to follow the EVE style.
The game is not exactly like EVE but at the same time is not like any other generic mmo. The skill point system is close to the one used in EVE, not 100% exactly but close, you also need to add the economical aspect and a few other details that makes this game comparable to EVE, like the targeting system.
But what makes this game controversial is not the features taken from EVE, this game gets more controversial because is not a bad or horrible game but at the same time is not a triple A title, the game is based on a triple A title that is very famous right now but it have certain things that are not up for the EVE standard.
From the very moment you get in, you notice that this is not a multi-million dollar project, in fact the developers are some guys who group together to build up this game, in other words they are indie and small in numbers, the dev team only have like a dozen employees, or in this case a group of 12 friends working to create one mmo or Perpetuum Nic. The development team is small and they need a publisher.
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