Last Chaos News & Events & Guides
Q: How to get skills for pets in Last Chaos.
A: You will need to get a Battle Skill Book from the Moon Statue in town. Once you have acquired a Battle Skill Book, talk to the animal trainer to have your new pets learn a skill attack. Certain skill attacks can only be learned if your pet has reached a certain level.
Q: My pets are not following me anymore, why is that?
A: The reason your pet is not following you anymore is because it is hungry. You will need to buy food items from a NPC named Pet Merchant Polly. You will be able to buy food as well as other pet items such as health items.
Q: What are the items(last chaos gold) that can buy from Pet merchant Polly?
A: Items for sale as well as the price:
- Rough bandage = 9,900
- Thick bandage = 19,900
- Cold Water = 6,600
- Thick Milk = 12,900
- Cheese Cookie = 5,000
- Freshly Baked Bread = 10,900
- Compliment Stamp = 4,000
- Hand Written letter = 8,900
Q: How many pets can I have in my inventory as well as equip for a battle in this game(Last Chaos powerleveling)?
A: You can have all 4 different types of pets in the game in your inventory. However, you can only equip on pet at a time.
Q: How come that can not trade pets or sell them?
A: You can, but you have to make sure the pet has been unequipped of all gear and weapons. You can only sell or trade a naked pet and not one wearing armor or holding a weapon.
Q: Can I store my pets in the warehouse?
A: No you can't and it is probably animal cruelty. Joking aside, the pets cannot be stored in the warehouse so please make sure you have a spot for them.
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