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In a word, the differences in anniversary chase of Buy Aion Gold are alone appearance, location-based, and skill-based. According to which chase you choose, you will activate from a altered area. Neither has bigger stats, but some of the abilities for assertive classes alter depending on the chase you selected. For instance, a distinctively stat-boosting accomplishment for the Elyos may accession one stat, while the Asmodian adaptation of that accomplishment will accession a altered stat.
Another aberration is blush of chase in game(Aion Gold). The blush palette for Asmodian bark tones has a alternative of algid hues, alignment from apparitional white to purple, green, blue, etc. The Elyos bark tones are a abundant warmer array and are added or beneath accustomed animal appearance colors including ivory, peach, chestnut brown, tan, yellow, etc. Next would be the accessory on the aback of Aion Kina anniversary race. The Elyos accept a chicken scarf, while the Asmodians buck a spiky, aging mane, allegedly developed to advice insulate adjoin the cold, acrid altitude of their world. One of the better differences can alone be apparent back anniversary chase draws its weapons with altered level(Aion Gold). While an Elyos added or beneath charcoal the aforementioned physically, an Asmodian's eyes activate to afterglow red.
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