Sword2 News & Events & Guides
There's a new GM Event in Sword of the New World called Slay the Titan.It will run from August the 12st to September 15th.
The entrance to the new land of Caebolan (pronounced SAY-boh-lan) is blocked by a powerful corrupted titan spirit, players must band together to slay the contaminated soul and protect their cities as other titan spirits begin to lash out and attack. Every night these titan spirits roam free to lay waste to a major city if they are not intercepted and destroyed by players.
Secrets, power and wealth are cornerstones upon which Sword of the New World thrives. The lost region of Caebolan is a chance for players to experience all three. To destroy the titan spirit and save the cities from destruction requires teamwork, co-ordination and co-operation from player's through-out the server.
As the story goes, the wizard Montoro was one of the early explorers in Sword of the New World Vis. He landed only a few years after the original explorers arrived from the old continent of Orpesia. Montoro was intent on seeking lost knowledge and feverishly sought to unlock the long forgotten secret. When Montoro reached Caebolan, he was forbidden by the Titans to enter the city of El Dorado. They felt his lust for power would endanger and corrupt its people and prevented his entry into the city. Montoro left and plotted a way to destroy the Titans and gain entry into El Dorado.
While Montoro was a powerful magician, his mastery of the destructive magic he used was mediocre at best. Neglecting to take into account the affects of the mystically infused region of Caebolan would have on his spells, he miscalculated. Rather than destroying the Titans, he corrupted their essence, creating a chain reaction that Sword of the New World Vis.
The shockwave of his mistake was felt across the continent by the early settlers of Reboldeaux, the main port of civilization. After a short investigation, the Office of Pioneering Support, the organization sent to govern Granado Espada, decreed that no one shall ever enter Caebolan. Now, many years later, Queen Esperanza has mandated that Caebolan be opened to exploration by pioneers. Rumors have spread that the Queen knows what Montoro found and now seeks to claim El Dorado for the crown. While she does not explain the reason for her decree, she is encouraging pioneers to journey to Caebolan and discover its secrets in the name of Vespanola, the most powerful nation in the world.
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