Lord of the Rings Online News & Events & Guides
Create items both legendary and mundane: Farm in the Shire or forge weapons and armor in Thorin's Halls. Players can craft arms for the fight against the Dark Lord Sauron, or enjoy more peaceful activities like cooking and farming buy LOTRO Gold. Those who dedicate themselves to becoming master crafters can create legendary items of surpassed quality.
Dramatic sequences: LOTRO offers an expansive, open world, and incorporates cinematic technology to present the player with movie-like sequences which further the storyline. Experience epic challenges like the depths of the Great Barrow, the siege of Fornost and the battle to retake Weathertop.
Interact with others: Meet and socialize with thousands of other players and fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's works. Relax at the Prancing Pony in Bree buy LOTRO Gold, the Green Dragon Inn in the Shire, or any of the many other social centers throughout the land. Express yourself through emotes and chat - wave hello, bow, or dance with a friend!
Journey through Middle-earth: Experience an epic storyline through hundreds of quests created as a companion to The Lord of the Rings. Adventure in familiar areas as well as new ones, created for the game, which were only briefly touched on by J.R.R. Tolkien in his master works. Experience Middle-earth as never before as you swim the Brandywine River or make your way through the mists of the Old Forest. Turbine, working closely with Tolkien Enterprises buy LOTRO Gold, has created what Gamedaily calls "...a must have title for fans of Tolkien lore.
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