Dark Age of Camelot News & Events & Guides
Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) is the only massively multi-player on-line role playing game (MMORPG) that I've played seriously to date. I was somewhat interested in Everquest, and there have been a couple of other such games that have caught my eye (e.g., Anarchy Online, PlanetSide, and, most recently, Star Wars Galaxies), but DAoC is the only one I've played much. With as many other games as I play, perhaps the obvious question is why?
That is, why haven't I played more MMORPG games? The answer has two components, I think, the first being that I really hate having to pay a monthly fee to enjoy a game. Yes, I do realize that the companies that make such games pour a lot of resources into making them successful, and yes, I also realize that many MMORPGs are updated constantly after their initial launch梚n fact, Mythic has been very good about doing this with DAoC.
But at bottom, it's still hard for me to want to cough up $120 (DAOC Platinum) each year just to play a game after I've already coughed up a good $40 - $50 to buy the initial version in the store. The yearly subscription money involved could buy me roughly four other non-MMORPG games at the prices I typically pay, so that's not chump change. I think it would be a much more appealing if MMORPGs either gave you a few free months with the game, rather than the typical one month, or didn't charge anything for the initial files. Either way, it would make MMORPGs a lot more accessible.
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