12sky2 News & Events & Guides
12sky2 is a Martial Arts MMO.
12sky2 gold has all the good MMO things. It has character customization, different races (factions), endless endless PVP (more on that later..), and upgradeable items, among anything else you'd find in a traditional MMO. However, 12sky2 gold takes all these good things a step further. The PVP in this game is amazing. There are three seperate factions who all live in seperate towns, but once every so often there's war for anyone, categorized by level.
Most games with PVP won't let you actually fight until you've reached a high level(twelvesky2 gold). 12sky2 however, lets you jump right into the PVP action at level 10. Level 10 is literally about 7-10 minutes of gameplay. That's right. In 12sky2 gold, after just 10 minutes of killing creatures, you're elegible to go to war. And as your level gets higher, the war gets more intense as you get paired up with people in higher level brackets.
The leveling can sometimes get a bit dull, but if you're that kind of person, you can get together with a group of friends and form a party, gaining bonus experience each time a party member gets a kill. Partying is a rewarding way to gain experience, and meet new friends.
In 12sky2 gold, the community is great. No matter which Faction you choose to join, you will be met by very nice people, new players and seasoned vets alike, who will be willing to answer your questions. Another great thing about 12sky2 that most people don't seem to take notice of is the GM team.
This is the first game I've played with a GM team that actually cares about its members, and aren't complete robots. They'll go onto the forums and post pictures of cats holding guns, or they'll have naked parties in-game, dropping items aimlessly for the people to pick up. They really feel like they're a part of the game, not just your help slaves.
12sky2 goldgraphics are up to par with todays standards, with many graphical effects as moves are used. If your computer is a bit older, there's options to turn down (or up!) many graphical settings, such as brightness, effects, and music etcetera. The drop system is good, featuring common drops of items that are sub-par, but occasionally usable. Uncommonly, you'll get a Unique item.
Recent Articles
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